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Selecting print options in Quicken

Different documents have different requirements for printing. For example, checks are different from reports and graphs, and both are different from invoices and estimates (only in Quicken Business & Personal). When you're in Quicken, you can customize the setup for printing in different areas. For example, you can set the spacing, page margins, and alignment for checks, then choose entirely different settings for reports and graphs, and others for invoices and estimates.

You can set default printer settings for checks (Cheques in Canada) and reports and graphs that apply every time you print one of these objects. You can also set default printer settings for invoices (only in Quicken Business & Personal). Then, when you print reports, lists, budgets, forms, and registers, Quicken displays the Print dialog where you can change the settings for just the object you're printing.

When you print reports, graphs, lists, forms, budgets, and registers in Quicken, Quicken displays the Print dialog. Select any options you want to use. You can select only options that are available for the item that you're printing.

  • Printer: Identifies the printer you want to print to. Select <printer name> (the printer you chose during setup) to print to paper, or Quicken PDF printer to print to a PDF.

  • Properties: Displays the current settings in effect for the printer you've selected. Specify a different paper size, page orientation, or resolution for your documents.

  • Export to: Identifies the type of file you want to print to. Use this setting to print a report to a file.

  • Print Range: Identifies the range of pages printed. Click All to print every page. To print only selected pages, click the Pages field. Then, in the field to the right, enter the first and last page numbers in the range.

  • Number of copies: Identifies the number of copies you want to print.

  • Collate: Determines whether pages are collated for multiple copies. Your printer must support collation for you to use this setting. Select the Collate check box to separately print each copy of the document in order, from first page to last.

  • Page Scaling: Controls the amount of information on a page. When you scale a page that includes both a graph and report, the graph will occupy the first page and the report will occupy the second page and beyond. To scale the page by a specific percent, in the Adjust to field, select the appropriate option. To scale the page to fit on a specific number of pages, in the Fit to fields, enter the number of pages. As you change the scale of the document, Quicken reflects your changes in the Preview area on the right side of the Print dialog.

    • If you're printing a range of pages, you can click the left and right arrows next to the Viewing Page field to see another page in the series. To skip to the end of the document, click the double arrows.

    • To modify the margins, click Adjust Margins and enter the appropriate values in the fields.

    • To display the report in a window that approximates the actual size of the report, click the report image.

  • Print What: Specifies which items are printed on the page. Quicken automatically selects both the Graph and Report check boxes or just one of the check boxes, whatever is needed to make this setting agree with what is visible on your screen. The Graph check box is available only if the report you're printing has a corresponding graph. If both check boxes are available, you can click to clear or select the check boxes to print just the report, just the graph, or both on the same page.

  • Orientation: Identifies the direction the document is printed on the paper. Select Portrait or Landscape to change the direction that the document is printed on the paper.

  • Color/Print in color: Prints in color if you have a color printer. The Financial Calendar doesn't print in color. Neither does the Portfolio. (Colour in Canada)

  • Grayscale: Prints in shades of gray.

  • Draft mode/Print in draft mode: Speeds up printing by substituting a font chosen by the printer for the font you've chosen. When you select draft mode printing, Print in color isn't available. If the Print dialog displays the Fit to one page wide option, it's not available either.

  • Fit to one page wide: Scales the whole report so that it's smaller. If your report is only somewhat wider than a page, this option may save you several pages when you print. You can see the results by clicking Preview. For lists, Quicken attempts to squeeze everything onto one page by reducing font sizes.

  • Fonts: Specifies the fonts used in the heading and body document. Click Change Font next to the item to want to change the font for. You must change the font in the heading or body of the document individually.

  • Printer Setup: Opens the printer setup dialog for checks or invoices (only in Quicken Business & Personal), depending on what you're printing. Click this button to adjust fonts, margins, and orientation for invoices, or alignment and orientation for checks.

Note for our Canadian Customers

The following terms will be different in the Canadian releases of Quicken.

Canada: "Cheque" / United States: "Check"
Canada: "Colour" / United States: "Color"
Canada: "Centre" / United States: "Center"
Canada: "Realise" / United States: "Realize"
Canada: "Behaviour" / United States: "Behavior"
Canada: "Analyse" / United States: "Analyze"

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