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How do I set up my printer to print checks?

If you have a page-oriented printer, you can assume that you should insert checks (Cheques in Canada) in the paper tray or envelope feeder the same way that you would insert standard letterhead paper.

If you have a continuous-feed printer, insert the checks as you would any continuous-feed printer paper. Position the checks horizontally in the position you normally use for printing on 8.5-by-11-inch paper. You probably won't need to change the position of the paper clamps. Position the checks vertically according to your printer type.

Set up an ink jet or laser printer

  1. Choose File menu > Printer Setup > For Printing Checks.
  2. From the Printer list, select your printer.
  3. Choose Page-oriented.
  4. Choose the check style you're using.
  5. Choose a full page source, and if necessary, a partial page printing style and a partial page source.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Be sure the printer is turned on, is online, and is loaded with blank paper or a sample check.
  8. Click Align.

Set up an impact or dot-matrix printer

  1. Choose File menu > Printer Setup > For Printing Checks.
  2. From the Printer list, select your printer.
  3. Select Continuous.
  4. Choose the check style you're using.
  5. If your printer skips checks or prints nothing, select Bypass the driver.
  6. If the date or your logo gets cut off, clear the Use low starting position check box.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Be sure the printer is turned on, is online, and is loaded with blank paper or a sample check.
  9. Click Align.
  10. Depending on your printer, you will be asked to adjust the coarse or fine alignment.


Check 21 is a federal law enacted in 2004 to help banks handle more checks electronically. Because check scanners may reject checks that use an incompatible font style or size in the numeric dollar amount field, you can print only checks from Quicken that use Arial (font), Regular (font style), 10 pt (font size) in this field. The font style and size of all other typed fields don't interfere with the Check 21 restrictions, so you again have the flexibility to change this information in Quicken.

Tell me more about Check 21

The Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (better known as Check 21) was established in 2004 to modernize the U.S. payments system by streamlining the way your checks are processed. The main objective of Check 21 is to speed up check-clearing time and eliminate the costs and risks of physically transporting checks. Check 21 allows financial institutions to create and present a substitute check for payment in place of the original check. This new substitute check is an electronic copy of the front and back of your original check, can be easily printed for you at any time, and provides the legal equivalent of your original check.

Check 21 changes you may notice:

  • Time between writing a check and when it's cashed generally decreases.
  • Many financial institutions may no longer retain and return your original checks. However, substitute checks are always available in printed format for you from your financial institution.
  • Your financial institution may contact you about fees for checks that are not Check 21 compatible.
  • Text for the check dollar amount is preset by Quicken to Arial 10 point font, and can't be changed. (You still have the option to use other fonts for all other text on your printed check.)
  • Text fonts printed on your checks can't be in color.
  • There are additional impacts for Check 21 wallet checks.

As Check 21 changes continue to evolve, Quicken monitors industry developments and updates Quicken and the checking products supplied to individuals and businesses. If you purchase your checks from Quicken, we will continue to protect you with our money-back guarantee that our checks will be accepted by every financial institution in the U.S.

Quicken doesn't guarantee, however, that Traditional wallet checks purchased after August 1, 2005 are Check 21 compatible.

How do I know whether I'm using Traditional or Check 21 compliant wallet checks?

By selecting the correct wallet check type before printing your checks, you'll avoid wasting checks because of alignment and reprint issues.

  1. Get out your checks and find the gray text between the stub and your check.
  2. The text is printed vertically and includes a year, QUICKEN INC., a three-digit number, and a phone number. (For example, 2006 QUICKEN INC. #XXX 1–800–433–8810. )
  3. Examine the three-digit number, beginning with a number sign (#). This number determines your wallet check type.
    • Intuit's Check 21 image-compatible wallet checks use any of the following numbers: #808 #828 #848 #868 #888.
    • Intuit's Traditional wallet checks use all other numbers.
  4. For non-Quicken purchased checks, contact your check provider to determine if you're using Check 21 image-compatible checks or Quicken-compatible Traditional wallet checks.

Note for our Canadian Customers

The following terms will be different in the Canadian releases of Quicken.

Canada: "Cheque" / United States: "Check"
Canada: "Colour" / United States: "Color"
Canada: "Centre" / United States: "Center"
Canada: "Realise" / United States: "Realize"
Canada: "Behaviour" / United States: "Behavior"
Canada: "Analyse" / United States: "Analyze"

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