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Printing a form layout in Quicken

A good way to double-check your customized layout is to print it. You can print a version of your layout with sample data in it directly from the Forms Designer.

Click the topic below for the item you want more information about.

Select print options

  1. Open an existing form layout, or create a new one, and then, in the list of layout items on the left, click the gear icon next to Print Options.

  2. In the Print Options dialog, in the Print Options area, in the Print form with field, select whether or not you want your layout to print with lines visible around layout items and shading across labels. By default, both lines and shading are turned on. (Optional)

  3. In the Extra blank lines between items field, enter the number of blank lines (0 to 5) you want between line items on the form (after line 1). (Optional)

    • Will blank lines appear in the Forms Designer?

      No. These lines don't appear in the layout in the Forms Designer.

  4. Click OK.

Select fonts for layout items

  1. Open an existing form layout, or create a new one.

  2. In list of layout items on the left, click the gear icon next to Set Fonts.

  3. In the Set Layout Fonts dialog, in the Select Layout Font to Set list, select the type of text for which you want to set the font:

    • Heading Text Font: Sets the fonts for all the layout item headings in your form.

    • Company Address Font: Sets the font for your company address, if included.

    • Title Text Font: Sets the font for the form title.

    • Total Font: Sets the font for the value in the Total field.

    • Data Font: Sets the font for the text in the layout items, such as the actual bill to and ship to addresses, descriptions, amounts, and so on.

  4. Click Set Font.

  5. In the Font dialog, select a font for the text you selected in step 3. Click OK.

  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each text element that you want to specify fonts for. (Optional)

  7. Click Done when you're finished selecting fonts.

Selecting a font

You can adjust these items:

  • Font

    Fonts with the double T icon are TrueType fonts. TrueType fonts appear in the Sample box and in print preview just as they do on the page.

    Fonts with the printer icon are approximated in the Sample box and in print preview, but they may print faster than TrueType fonts print.

    Fonts without an icon are screen fonts. These fonts probably won't look as attractive printed as they do on-screen.

    Some printer and screen fonts don't resize properly (they aren't "scalable"). If you experience problems with a font, try a TrueType font.

  • Font Style

    Shows the styles available for the font you selected. For best results with reports and invoices, use Regular.

  • Size

    Shows the character sizes available for the font you selected. For best results, use a size between 9 and 12.

  • Sample

    As you make selections, check in the Sample box to see what the font will look like. For some fonts, this is only an approximation.

    If you don't select a font, Quicken chooses a font for you, usually Arial.

Print a sample layout

  1. After you've modified the settings you want to change, open an existing form layout, or create a new one,

  2. Right-click in the form and choose Print from the menu.

  3. In the Print Invoice dialog, click OK to print immediately, or click Preview to check the formatting on-screen.

    • What can I do in the Preview window?

      From the Preview window, you can page through your sample (if it has multiple pages). Close the Preview window if you want to make changes.

    • How do I change the fonts in the form?

      Use the Forms Designer tools to change the print options and fonts.

    • How do I change the page orientation?

      You must create a new form.

Print in landscape mode

Not all printers will print your business forms exactly as they are displayed on the page. When you print a form in landscape mode, your printer may cut off any layout items that are right-aligned (that is, aligned with the right margin of the form).

Be sure to print a sample layout to test your spacing. If the invoice appears to go over the right margin of the page when it's printed, edit the layout in the Forms Designer and adjust the layout items on the right side. Then try printing again.

This feature requires Quicken Home, Business & Rental Property. Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes.

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