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Paying bills online

Not Available in Canada

This service is unavailable for users of our Canadian products.

Quicken Bill Manager is used for paying bills through Quicken. Quicken Bill Manager is included with all Quicken Premier and Quicken Business & Personal. There are two ways to use Quicken Bill Manager. You can use Quick Pay to make online payments, and Check Pay to have Quicken send payments through the mail.

Quick Pay

Quick Pay is an advanced new way to track and make same-day bill payments at over 11,000 billers nationwide. Simply enter your login info for each of your billers, and Quicken will automate gathering your billing dates and payment amounts. See Setting up Quicken Bill Manager with Quick Pay and Check Pay for instructions on setting up Quick Pay.

Check Pay

Check Pay makes mailing a check to anyone nationwide fast and easy. Just enter the name, address, and amount into Quicken, and we’ll automate printing, stuffing, and mailing a check drawn from your own checking account. See Setting up Quicken Bill Manager with Quick Pay and Check Pay for instructions on setting up Check Pay.

I don't want to pay my bill online. I just want to set up a reminder.

Go to About reminders for more information about creating bill and income reminders.

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