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Enter a spending transaction

Most of the time you'll update your spending accounts by downloading transactions and balances directly from your bank. Sometimes you'll need to enter transactions manually into your account register.

  1. Open the account you want to use.
  2. In the account register, find the new transaction line. Or you can go there directly by typing CTRL+N.

    If you sort the register by a descending order of date, the latest transaction will appear on the top of the register. If you sort the register by an ascending order of date, the latest transaction will appear at the bottom of the register.

  3. Change the date if necessary.
  4. If this is a check, enter the check number in the Check # field.
  5. In the Payee field, indicate who receives this payment or gives you this deposit.
  6. In the Payment field or Deposit field, enter an amount.
  7. Assign a category to the transaction.
  8. In the Tag field, tag the transaction. (Optional)
  9. In the Memo field, enter a note. (Optional)
  10. Click the Exp field to identify this transaction as a reimbursable expense. (Optional)
  11. Click Save.


Tell me more about downloading transactions

Tell me more about what I see in the register

Tell me more about entering dates

Can I customize the Check # field?

My payee list is long and cluttered...what can I do?

Tell me how to use the pop-up calculator to enter an amount

Tell me more about entering categories

Can I transfer money between Quicken accounts?

Can I customize my account register?

Are there any columns I can't edit?

What do the Status column icons mean?

Can I print my register?

What's the largest amount I can enter?

How are the inflow and outflow columns labeled in different types of registers?

Can I copy transactions into other applications, such as Microsoft Word or Excel?

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