If a customer pays you in advance for products or services, there isn't yet an invoice to which you can apply it.
I want to download this down payment from my financial institution
Download and accept the paymentfor this invoice into the checking (Chequing in Canada), credit card, or savings account you use for this business.
If necessary, in theCategoryfield, select the account that you use to track the customer's invoices payments and invoices. You may need to click the Transfer tab on the left to see the available accounts.
Open the accountthat you use to track this customer's payments and invoices.
Click(the Account Actions icon), and then chooseNew Customer Payment.
In the Customer Payment form, verify the customer's name. If necessary, select a new one from the list.
Can I change the name my financial institution uses for this customer?
Yes.Renaming ruleslet you remove any irrelevant details your financial institution includes with this customer name from updated transactions.
In the Outstanding Invoices area, select the payment you downloaded.
I want to enter this down payment manually
Enter the total amount in the Customer Payment dialog as usual. Quicken associates this with the customer, and when you create your invoice you can apply the down payment to it.
Open the accountthat you use to track this customer's payments and invoices.
Click(the Account Actions icon), and then chooseNew Customer Payment.
In the Customer Payment form, enter the customer's name.
Enter the amount of the payment.
Select the name of the account into which you want to deposit the payment.
When it's time to bill the customer
In the invoices/receivables register, clickCreate Newand then selectInvoicein the list.
From the Customerlist, select the customer's name.
The following terms will be different in the Canadian releases of Quicken.
Canada: "Cheque" / United States: "Check" Canada: "Colour" / United States: "Color" Canada: "Centre" / United States: "Center" Canada: "Realise" / United States: "Realize" Canada: "Behaviour" / United States: "Behavior" Canada: "Analyse" / United States: "Analyze"
To create the link between this invoice and an existing credit
In the invoices/receivables register, select the invoice you want to link with the prepayment and then double-click the word--Form--in the Category field.
ClickReceive Pmton the invoice form to display the Customer Payment dialog.
In theAmountfield, enter the appropriate option:
If you're receiving an additional payment, enter that amount.
If you're not receiving an additional payment, enter $0.00.
Select theApply Existing Creditscheckbox to have Quicken apply the credit to this invoice. Quicken tells you how much credit is available and tracks any remaining amount, which you can apply to the next invoice you issue for this customer.
This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. Learn how you canupgrade Quickenin minutes.
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