The Refund dialog should only be used in cases when you've already made a payment for an invoice, the vendor has returned cash to you, and you've already entered it in Quicken as acreditfrom the vendor.
I want to download this payment to a vendor from my financial institution
If you haven't already done so, issue the amount of the refund to the customer incredit.
If necessary, in theCategoryfield, select the account that you use to track the customer's bills. You may need to click the Transfer tab on the left to see the available accounts.
Select the refund transaction, and then double-click the word--Form--in the Category field.
In the Outstanding Bills area, select the bill that this payment applies to.
After you enter the refund, Quicken updates your accounts payable register and records a deposit in the bank account you selected.
I want to manually enter this refund from a vendor
If you haven't already done so, issue the amount of the refund to the customer in credit.
Open the accountthat you use to track this vendor's transactions.
Click(the Account Actions icon), and then chooseNew Refund.
In the Refund dialog, in theAccount to deposit tofield, select the account where you want to deposit the refund.
In theBusiness Tagfield, select the tag for the business this refund is for.
Enter the vendor's name and the amount of the refund.
ClickAssign Project/Jobto display the Select Project/Job dialog box. Here you can select the project/job for which you purchased goods or services from the vendor you need to pay. If you need to create a new project/job, clickNewandfill outthe New Project/Job dialog box. (Optional)
If the refund was in the form of a check, enter the check number for tracking purposes. (Optional)
The memo is for your use only. Use it to enter additional information about the vendor, or as a reminder about the reason for the refund. (Optional)
After you enter the refund, Quicken updates your accounts payable register and records a deposit in the bank account you selected.
This feature requires Quicken Home, Business & Rental Property. Learn how you canupgrade Quickenin minutes.
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