Use a credit form to record returned items or canceled orders for which you've already sent an invoice and received a payment.
Open the accountthat you use to track this customer's payments and invoices.
Click(the Account Actions icon), and then chooseNew Credit.
In the Credit form, fill out the Customer information area at the top of the form, including customer name, project/job, and business tag.
Fill out the item information for the charge that is being credited.
If you want to preview the credit form, clickPrint. Then clickPreview.
You can close the preview, return to the form, and then make changes if necessary.
If you want to print the Credit form, clickPrint. Then clickEnter.
At this point, you can eitheremailthe credit to your customer, or mail it. (Optional)
ClickEnterto record the transaction. Quicken enters the credit in the invoices/receivables register.
When you create a new estimate, invoice, or credit, Quicken displays the last layout you used for that transaction type. If you want to use a different layout, select the one you want from the Layout list. Use theForms Designerto customize your business forms.
You can create and customize a credit form just as you do an invoice.
This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. Learn how you canupgrade Quickenin minutes.
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