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How do I manage the Password Vault?

To manage the Password Vault

  1. Choose Tools menu > One Step Update.
  2. If you have an existing Password Vault, click Settings immediately after typing your password.
  3. In the One Step Update Settings dialog, click (Manage Passwords) just to the right of the Download Transactions and Balances heading at the top of the window.
    • What happens now?
  4. Select the financial institution for which you want to store a password.
  5. If you have more than one customer ID at this financial institution, select the customer ID corresponding to the password you want to store.
  6. Enter the password(s) to use to connect to your financial institution(s).
    • Where do I enter the password(s)?


  • When you use One Step Update from now on, Quicken prompts you to enter only your Password Vault password (Plus any passwords that aren't stored in the Password Vault.). The stored passwords are filled in automatically.
  • For security purposes, the password you choose to lock your vault must be at least six characters in length. We suggest that you choose a password that contains:
    • At least one digit (0 to 9)
    • At least one letter (a to z)
  • You can change the Vault password or stored (financial institution) passwords at any time. To completely reset your Password Vault, first print it to obtain a record of the stored passwords. Then, simply delete the Vault and start over again.
  • Passwords for financial institutions you connect to using Web connect don't appear in the Password Vault.
  • The password to your vault and all the passwords stored within it are encrypted and cannot be recovered, even by Quicken. If you forget the password to your vault, then you will need to delete and recreate the vault and enter all the passwords for each of your financial institutions again.
  • Tell me about connected services and security.
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