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How do I work with the Password Vault and stored passwords?

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Work with the Password Vault and stored passwords

Financial institutions universally require you to enter passwords to access their online services. If you do business with multiple financial institutions, this can add up to a lot of passwords.

You can enter your passwords individually when you update your accounts, or you can use the Password Vault in Quicken to keep track of all your passwords, and automatically send them to your financial institutions with a single click when you update your accounts.

Tell me more about the Password Vault

Quicken's Password Vault is a secure and convenient way to store multiple financial institution passwords that you can then access with a single master password.

  • You can open the Password Vault to add, remove, or change stored passwords at any time.

  • When the Password Vault was developed, it went through a rigorous security review.

  • The Password Vault uses industry-standard encryption to save your passwords, and it is careful to remove them from memory when they are no longer being used.

Get Started with the Password Vault

To add your passwords to the Password Vault

  1. Choose Tools menu > One Step Update.

  2. If you have an existing Password Vault, click Settings immediately after typing your password.

  3. In the One Step Update Settings dialog, click Manage Passwords just to the right of the Download Transactions and Balances heading at the top of the window.

    • If you already have a Password Vault, Quicken opens the Edit Password Vault dialog.

    • If you don't have an existing Password Vault, Quicken displays the Password Vault Setup wizard.

  4. Select the financial institution for which you want to store a password.

  5. If you have more than one customer ID at this financial institution, select the customer ID corresponding to the password you want to store.

  6. Enter the password(s) to use to connect to your financial institution(s). If you're in the Edit Password Vault dialog, click Add Password.

  • When you use One Step Update from now on, Quicken prompts you to enter only your Password Vault password (Plus any passwords that aren't stored in the Password Vault.). The stored passwords are filled in automatically.

  • For security purposes, the password you choose to lock your vault must be at least six characters in length. We suggest that you choose a password that contains:

    • At least one digit (0 to 9)

    • At least one letter (a to z)

  • You can change the Vault password or stored (financial institution) passwords at any time. To completely reset your Password Vault, first print it to obtain a record of the stored passwords. Then, simply delete the Vault and start over again.

  • Passwords for financial institutions you connect to using Web connect don't appear in the Password Vault.

  • The password to your vault and all the passwords stored within it are encrypted and cannot be recovered, even by Quicken. If you forget the password to your vault, then you will need to delete and recreate the vault and enter all the passwords for each of your financial institutions again.

  • Tell me about connected services and security.

To change a password stored in the Password Vault

  1. Choose Tools menu > One Step Update.

  2. Click Settings immediately after typing your password.

  3. In the One Step Update Settings dialog, click (Manage Passwords) just to the right of the Download Transactions and Balances heading at the top of the window.

  4. Select the financial institution for which you want to change the password.

  5. Click Change Password.

  6. Enter a new password.

  7. Re-enter the password to confirm it.

  8. Click Change.

To create/change your Vault Password

It's good security practice to change your Password Vault password from time to time. See the section on connected services and security.

You have the option to either use the Quicken ID Password for your vault, or to use a different custom password. If you have chosen the Quicken ID password for your vault, to change the Vault Password, you need to change the Quicken ID password. Refer to Change your Quicken ID password.

If you are using a custom password or if you wish to switch between using the Quicken ID password and custom password, follow the steps given below:

  1. Choose Tools menu > Password Vault > Add or Edit Passwords.

  2. Click Manage Vault Password.

  3. In the Manage Vault Password window, choose the option to use the Quicken ID password or any custom password, based on your preference.

  4. Enter your current vault password to confirm the change.

  • For security purposes, the password you choose must be at least six characters in length. We suggest you choose a password that contains:

    • At least one digit (0 to 9)

    • At least one letter (a to z)

  • The Password Vault is designed for high security, but factors such as a well-chosen password, physical security for your computer, and proper safeguards when you use a network or the Internet are all important. Since most of these factors are beyond Quicken's control, Quicken is not liable for safeguarding your password data.

To reset the Password Vault

To completely reset your Password Vault, reset it or use the Quicken ID password.

  1. Choose Tools menu > Password Vault > Reset Password Vault.

  2. You can choose to use Quicken ID password or a custom password as per your preference.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to reset the Password Vault.

  • Resetting the Password Vault removes all of your stored passwords and erases the Vault password. After resetting, you'll have to enter passwords manually. If you'd like to use the Vault again, you'll need to create a new one. Resetting the Password Vault does not change any passwords at your financial institutions.

  • To retain a record or your stored passwords, print the Vault prior to resetting it (the passwords appear on-screen as asterisks, but will print with their actual values). We do not recommend that you print this list unless you can assure the complete security of the printout.

If you are asked to change your password when you connect

Depending on your financial institution, you may be required to change your password the first time you connect to your financial institution. If this is the case, Quicken displays the Change Assigned Password dialog.

  1. Enter your current password for the financial institution.

  2. Enter a new password of your choice.

  3. Re-enter the password to confirm it.

  4. Click OK.

For related information, see:

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