You can choose the columns to display in your non-investment account registers. Each of your registers can be customized independently.
Open the accountand go to the non-investment account register you want to change.
At the top of the register scrollbar, click theicon.
Select the columns you would like to see in your register.
(Optional) Click the gear icon in the lower left corner of the column list. You can either apply your changes to all similar registers, or reset all similar registers to their default column set.
ClickDoneto save your changes.
Available Register Columns
Here is a list of the columns you can display in your registers. The columns available to choose from in a register change based on account type, and one- or two-line display status. To learn more about a column, click its name below.
Non-editable. Displays the amount to be added or subtracted from the account balance, as derived from the payment or deposit amount of the transaction.
Non-editable. Displays a paper clip icon when an attachment has been added to a transaction. ChooseEdit menu > Transaction > Attachments.
Non-editable. Displays the account balance.
Editable. Displays the category assigned to a transaction.
Check Number, Reference, or Invoice Number
Editable. Displays the check (Cheque in Canada) or invoice number (requires Quicken Business & Personal), or any of several predefined transaction types; you can add customized types as well.
Editable. Displays the cleared status of a transaction:c(cleared),R(reconciled), or empty (not cleared).
Editable. Displays the date of a transaction.
Deposit, Payment, Received, Increase, or Paid
Editable. Displays the amount to be added to the balance of the account.
Non-editable. Displays a flag icon when a flag has been added to a transaction. Choose Edit menu > Transaction > Notes and flags.
Editable. Displays the text of a memo that has been added to a transaction.
Editable. Displays the contents of a note that has been added to a transaction. ChooseEdit menu > Transaction > Notes and flags.
Payee, Description, Customer, or Vendor
Editable. Displays the name of the person or company the transaction is being paid to or received from.
Payment, Withdrawal, Charge, Spent, Decrease, Charged, or Billed
Editable. Displays the amount to be subtracted to the balance of the account.
Non-editable. Displays various icons that show the status of a transaction. To view the meaning of an icon, move your cursor over it.
Editable. Displays the tag assigned to a transaction.
Tax Line-Item
Non-editable. When a transaction is assigned to a category that is linked to a tax form line item, this column displays the name of the tax form and line item.
Non-editable. Displays a TurboTax icon when a transaction is assigned to a category that is linked to a tax form line item. To see exactly how it is linked, move your cursor over the icon.
Downloaded Amount
Non-editable. Displays the transaction amount that was downloaded from your financial institution. Used primarily for troubleshooting potential download issues with your financial institution.
Downloaded ID
Non-editable. Displays the transaction ID that was downloaded from your financial institution. Used primarily for troubleshooting potential download issues with your financial institution.
Downloaded Memo
Non-editable. Displays the transaction note that was downloaded from your financial institution. Used primarily for troubleshooting potential download issues with your financial institution.
Downloaded Payee
Non-editable. Displays the transaction payee that was downloaded from your financial institution. Used primarily for troubleshooting potential download issues with your financial institution. For new transactions, you can look-up the Downloaded Payee name online to easily identify fraudulent transactions. To do this, right-click the transaction and select Review Downloaded Payee and then the downloaded payee name. This enables you to search for the required payee online.
Downloaded Posting Date
Non-editable. Displays the transaction posting date that was downloaded from your financial institution. Used primarily for troubleshooting potential download issues with your financial institution.
Downloaded Reference
Non-editable. Displays the transaction reference that was downloaded from your financial institution. Used primarily for troubleshooting potential download issues with your financial institution.
Action Buttons
Select to display the Save, Edit, and Split buttons on the selected transaction in the register.
Note for our Canadian Customers
The following terms will be different in the Canadian releases of Quicken.
Canada: "Cheque" / United States: "Check" Canada: "Colour" / United States: "Color" Canada: "Centre" / United States: "Center" Canada: "Realise" / United States: "Realize" Canada: "Behaviour" / United States: "Behavior" Canada: "Analyse" / United States: "Analyze"
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