How do I identify and charge reimbursable expenses?
Reimbursable expenses are expenses that you incur on behalf of a customer while working on a project. Delivery fees and travel expenses are examples of items that could be reimbursable expenses.
Billing for reimbursable expenses is a two-step process:
First, you identify these expenses as reimbursable when you enter them in Quicken.
Second, when you invoice a customer, you include the appropriate charges from a list of expenses that haven't been invoiced yet.
Click the topic below for the item you want more information about.
Identify reimbursable expenses
In the appropriate Quicken bank, credit card, or bills account register, find the new transaction line and enter the reimbursable expense as a transaction in the register.
Click in theExp(expensed) column to mark the transaction as a reimbursable expense.
Quicken displays an E, to show that this is an expense for which you plan to invoice a customer.
Enter a description of the expense in theMemofield. Quicken uses this as the description on the invoice. (Optional)
If you don't see an Expensed column
To display the Expensed column in your Quicken for Windows register, follow these steps:
Locate the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the register.
Select Register Columns from the menu.
In the list that appears, find and select the Expensed option by placing a checkmark next to it.
Click Done to apply the changes.
After completing these steps, the Expensed column will be visible in your register.
When you're ready to invoice the customer, you can view the list of expenses not yet invoiced to this customer.
Charge reimbursable expenses
Click theBusinesstab, then click theBusiness Actionsand chooseInvoices and Estimates > Create Invoice.
Fill in the customer information.
ClickExpenses. The Choose Reimbursable Expenses dialog displays the list of transactions you assigned as expensable (E) but which haven't been included on an invoice.
Click in theUsecolumn to include the expense on the invoice.
Click in theHidecolumn if you don't want this item to appear in the window in the future.
NOTE: Do this only if you're sure you won't use this item on a future invoice. The item will no longer be displayed in the Expenses window. (The register transaction will remain unchanged, however. To make it appear in the Expenses window again, go to the register transaction and click twice in the E field—once to clear it and once to mark it again.)
Select thePrint selected expenses as one invoice itemcheckbox if you want Quicken to group all the expenses as one line item on the invoice. (Optional)
The amount will be the total of all the reimbursable expenses marked in the Use column.
If the reimbursable items are taxable, select theSelected expenses are taxablecheckbox. (Optional)
Quicken calculates sales tax on these items at the rate used on the invoice.
Complete the invoice and clickSave and Done.
The next time you create an invoice, the reimbursable expenses you included on this invoice don't appear in the Choose Reimbursable Expenses dialog.
This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. Learn how you canupgrade Quickenin minutes.
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