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Printing - Mac

Printing your financial documents from Quicken for Mac helps you keep physical records, share information with your financial advisor, or prepare for tax season. Here's what you need to know about the printing function in Quicken for Mac.

What You Can Print

Quicken lets you print a variety of documents, such as reports, budgets, and transaction lists. Almost . This feature is useful for keeping a hard copy of your financial information for record-keeping or discussion purposes.

How to Print

Accessing the print option is straightforward. You can find Print under the File menu, use a keyboard shortcut (Command + P), or click on a print icon

 if available in your current view. From there, you'll choose your printer and adjust settings like the number of copies or which pages you want to print.

Choosing a Printer

When you're ready to print, you'll select your printer from a list. If you don't see your printer, you may need to add a new one through your Mac's system settings. This ensures that Quicken communicates correctly with your printer.

Customizing Printouts

You often have control over how your financial information is printed. In your printer dialog, there may be a Quicken section that allows you to control aspects of how a report or budget prints. 


If Quicken doesn't recognize your printer or if there are issues with how a document is printed (like incorrect layout or poor quality), check your printer's connection and settings. Make sure it's properly set up with your Mac and that you've selected the right options for what you're trying to print.

Printing from Quicken for Mac is a simple process designed to help you manage your financial records. Whether you need to review your finances on paper, share them, or keep them for your records, Quicken makes it possible to print your financial documents as needed.

Instructions for printing on the Mac

If you need help understanding the options Mac gives you for printing, click the question mark 

 at the bottom of the print window for instructions on Mac printer settings.

Additonal Information

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