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How do I transfer money between accounts of different currencies?

You can easily transfer funds between Quicken accounts that use different currencies.

The Currency List in Quicken contains exchange rates. You can add currencies to the list and update the exchange rates as they change.

Transfers between accounts of different currencies behave like any other Quicken transfer, with one exception: you can change one end of the transfer without making the corresponding change at the other end of the transfer. This way, you can edit the calculation in Quicken to reflect an updated exchange rate and any service charge imposed by the bank.

  1. In the register of the source account, enter the transaction information.

  2. In the Category field, select the destination account from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Save.

    The Foreign Currency Transfer window shows how much is being transferred from the source account and how much will be deposited in the destination account.

  4. Edit the To amount. (Optional)

  5. Click OK.


  • The calculated amount to be deposited is based on the conversion rate in your Currency List. If you know the exact amount, you can change it.

  • To edit the source amount, go to the register.

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