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How do I track rental property profit and loss?

  1. Click the Rental Property tab.
  2. Click the Profit/Loss button.
  3. View the In/Out/Profit/Loss snapshot that appears at the top of the page.
    • What is meant by terms like projected profit, last month's profit, change from last month, and so on?
    • How do I get more detail about the transactions this snapshot is based on?
    • Which transactions appear in the In/Out/Profit/Loss snapshot?
    • How do I add transactions?
    • How can I change an incorrectly categorized transaction?
    • How can I change an incorrectly tagged transaction?
  4. If you're tracking more than one rental property in Quicken, select another rental property in the Show list above the snapshot to view the profit and loss details for it.
    • Why do I see a choice called Unknown rental property?


  • What is the Rental Property Reminders tab for?
  • Is there anything special I need to know about scheduling bills & deposits in the Rental Property tab?

    This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. This feature is not available in Canada, Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes. 

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