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How do I review and accept updated online payments and transfers?

  1. Open the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Downloaded Transactions tab. If you'd like, you can click the column headings to sort the transactions.
  3. In the Downloaded Transactions window, select each transaction.
  4. If there is a corresponding transaction in the account register, compare it with the downloaded version.
  5. Use the Accept, Match, and Ignore buttons that appear below the selected downloaded transactions to accept or change them as necessary.
    • For transactions marked New
    • For transactions marked Updated
    • For transactions marked Canceled, Failed, or No Funds


  • Why would I use the Ignore button?
  • Can I accept all transactions at once?
  • Can I undo accepting payment and transfer transactions?
  • Can I remove transactions from the list as I accept them?
  • What about accepting other types of transactions?
  • What if Quicken asks me to choose a transaction source?
  • Why can't I find the Downloaded Transactions tab?
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