Split transactions are used to assign multiple categories to a single transaction. This is often used when shopping, for example, if purchasing both Groceries and Personal Care items at the same store. This can be very important when maintaining a budget or just to accurately track your spending.
To record a split transaction
Double-click the Category field for the transaction you wish to split.
Click the Category icon.
Click Split.
In the Split Transaction dialog, enter (or edit) the category,tag(optional), and amount for each individual item on a separate line.
What can I do here?
ClickEditand chooseInsertto add a line above the selected line.
ClickEditand chooseDeleteto remove a split line.
ClickClear Allto erase all split lines.
ClickAdd linesto create additional lines in the Split Transaction dialog. You can incrementally add up to 250 split items per transaction.
As necessary, adjust the individual line amounts. (Optional)
Tell me more
As you enter a split transaction, theTransaction Totalmay no longer match theSplit Total. Quicken displays the difference between the two amounts -- theleftover amount-- below the last split line. There are a few ways to handle this difference, depending on your situation:
Change the amounts in the split lines so that theSplit Totalis equal to theTransaction Total.
ClickEditand chooseApply remainder to current lineto absorb any remainder amount into the selected split line.
ClickEditand chooseAllocate this line to other split lines to distribute the amount of the selected split line among all other split lines.
ClickAllocateto distribute anyleftover amountamong all other split lines.
ClickOKto close the Split Transaction dialog.
You can assign percentages to the line items in a split transaction. For example, if the transaction total is $100, and you want to split that amount evenly between two categories, you can enter50%as the "amount" for each category.
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