To apply an existing credit to this invoice, clickReceive Pmt.
In the Customer Payment dialog, select theApply Existing Creditscheck box to have Quicken apply the credit to this invoice. Existing credits for a customer consist of any amounts from transactions that resulted in credit to the customer, such as an overpayment or a credit memo.
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Quicken tells you how much credit is available and tracks any remaining credit, which you can apply to the next invoice you issue for this customer.
Total to Apply:The sum of the current payment amount and the customer's existing credits (if the check box is selected). It is the total amount available to apply to invoices. Quicken calculates this amount after you enter the amount of the current payment or select the check box to apply credits. If the total includes both existing credits and a payment, Quicken applies the existing credits to open invoices first. It then applies the current payment amount.
UnappliedAmount:If you have Auto Apply turned off, Quicken recalculates the Unapplied Amount each time you apply part of the payment to an invoice. Initially, the figure displayed is the same as the Total to Apply amount. As you apply the payment to invoices, the Unapplied Amount field shows the difference between the Total to Apply amount and the totals shown in the Payment column. When the Total to Apply amount is applied completely, the Unapplied Amount becomes 0.00.
This feature requires Quicken Home, Business & Rental Property. Learn how you canupgrade Quickenin minutes.
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