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Creating a partial/template file or year end backup

You can make a partial backup of your Quicken data file that you can use to keep only transactions for a specific date range. You can also make a year-end backup if you want to save one year of data. This is useful if you want to save a specific year's data. You can also use this to create a template that keeps your accounts. Remember though that for a file copy or template, the accounts are no longer connected to your online services (financial institutions). If you wish to maintain your connected services, make a backup copy instead.

Frequently Asked Questions about backups and copies

What is the difference between a backup, a copy, and a year-end archive?

A complete backup is a full and exact copy of your file. The purpose of a backup is to give you the ability to restore your data if for any reason your active Quicken file becomes unusable. It is an important way to protect your financial data. A complete backup should be performed regularly.

A copy is a version of your file that is for informational or other purposes. You can use it to review older transactions, to work with specific data, or as a template for creating a new data file. You can choose to copy all of your data or just the data related to a specific date range. One of the key differences between a complete backup and a copy is that copies are not meant to be used with live data. This is why copies are automatically disconnected from your online accounts. You can reconnect your accounts, but Quicken begins with these accounts disconnected to prevent any issues between your current data file and the copy.

A year-end archive is a copy of your file created for the specific purpose of storing your older data. Many users choose to archive each year of transactions and remove those transactions from the current file. This can be helpful for keeping records and for keeping the current file smaller and easier to work with.

When should I choose to make a complete backup?

Making a complete backup is usually your best option. It creates an exact copy of your current file that can be used to restore your data if your current file becomes unusable for any reason. The file you create is specifically for backups. it does not have the same file extension as your current file so you cannot confuse it with a standard file. To use a backup in Quicken, you must use the Restore process. This prevents you from mistaking a backup for your current file. 

Backups are designed to replace your current file if an issue arises. That is why, other than having to be added through the Restore process, it is an exact copy of your current file (as of the time you made the backup) so you can get up and running quickly. When in doubt, choose to make a complete backup.

For more information see How do I back up my Quicken data file?

When should I choose to create a copy or template?

One of the Advanced Options is to Create a copy or template. Use this option if you want to create an archive of your current file or create a template you can use to start a new file that still has your existing account information. This is a useful option if you want to work with a specific date range of transactions. You can also use this to archive data. 

When you create a copy or template, the copy is automatically disconnected from your online accounts. This is to prevent accidentally downloading new data to an archive, which can cause confusion and possibly download issues. You can reconnect your accounts if needed, but Quicken begins with these accounts disconnected to prevent any issues between your current data file and the copy.

For more information see How do I copy a Quicken data file?

When should I choose to create a year-end archive?

One of the Advanced Options is to Create a year-end archive. This is the best option if you want to move transactions from your current data file into an archive. For most people, it is best to keep only a year to two years of data in the current file, so that Quicken can work with the data quickly and efficiently. 

When you create a year-end archive, the archive file is automatically disconnected from your online accounts. This is to prevent accidentally downloading new data to an archive, which can cause confusion and possibly download issues. You can reconnect your accounts if needed, but Quicken begins with these accounts disconnected to prevent any issues between your current data file and the archive.

For more information see How do I archive Quicken information at year's end?

Create a partial backup/template 

  1. Open the file you want to copy.
  2. Choose File menu → Copy or Backup File.
  3. On the Backup or Copy File screen, under Advanced Options, select Create a copy or template.
    Backup or Copy file
  4. Select Next.
    The Copy or Template screen will appear.
    Copy or Template screen
  5. Choose the date range you want to Include transactions From
  6. Review the items listed under Include in this copy. Uncheck any items you do not want to include.
  7. Check the file address for Where would you like to put the new file? You can use Browse to select a new location.
  8. Select Save Copy.
  9. Once the copy is saved you will have the option to use the Original Copy or the New copy. Choose the one you want to use and select OK.
    File Copied Screen

    Remember that if you use the new file, you will have to reconnect your online services (connections to your financial institutions) if you want to use them.

Create a year-end archive

  1. Open the file you want to copy.
  2. Choose File menu → Copy or Backup File.
  3. On the Backup or Copy File screen, under Advanced Options, select Create a year-end archive.
  4. Select Next. The Year-end-copy screen will appear.
  5. Choose the option for your current file:
    • My current data will remain unchanged.
      This option will make a backup of your previous year, but will not remove any transactions from your existing file.
    • I only want transactions in my current file starting with this date.
      This option removes transactions older than the date you specify. The default is the first day of the current year.  This is a good option to choose if you want to keep your file from getting too large.
  6. Check the file address for Where would you like to put your archive? You can use Browse to select a new location.
  7. Review the date for This archive will contain transactions up to and including. The default is the last day of the previous year. Adjust the date if you need to.
  8. Select Save Archive.
  9. Once the archive is saved you will have the option to use the Current file or the Archive file. Choose the one you want to use and select OK.

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