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About savings goals

Once you know how much you need to save, you can track your savings progress in a virtual account called a savings goal account. A savings goal account is a way of hiding money from yourself so you don't inadvertently spend it on something else.

If you need a way to track savings in the context of your overall monthly spending, set up a monthly budget. To create a long-term financial plan covering major milestones such as retirement, college, and home purchase, use the Lifetime Planner.

How do I set up a savings goal?

  1. Click the Planning tab.
  2. Click the Savings Goals button.
  3. Click Goal Actions.
  4. Click New Savings Goal.
  5. Enter a name, amount, and finishing date (date by which you want to reach your goal).
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  • Use the Saving Goals window to check your progress towards a goal, change a goal, and contribute to or withdraw from a goal.
  • The Account Bar lists your savings goal accounts and balances. Right-click a savings goal and deselect Show Savings Goal transactions in register and reports to hide any transfers to your savings goal and view your actual account balance.
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