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How do I view the tax implications of my holdings?

Sometimes it's difficult to decide whether to sell a short-term holding today when the price is high, or wait until it becomes a long-term holding and thus subject to a smaller tax liability. The Tax Implications view in the Quicken Portfolio can provide the information you need to make such a decision.

  1. Click the Investing tab.
  2. If necessary, click the Portfolio button at the top of the page. 
  3. From the Show list, select Tax Implications.
  4. If necessary, click the arrow icon next to the account name to see all of the securities in the account.
  5. To view the tax implications for your open lots, click the plus sign next to an individual security.
  6. Roll your pointer over the column headings to see a brief explanation of each tax term, or see the complete explanation of column headings.


To learn more, see Estimating capital gains before selling.

Quicken relies on accurate and complete data to derive reliable performance measures. To view certain performance measures, it may be necessary first to replace placeholder entries with complete historical data.

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