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How do I use the Retirement Calculator for a quick approximation?

The Retirement Calculator can give you a quick approximation of the funds available in your retirement accounts. Use it to answer questions such as: "If I retire in 10 years and put $2,000 into my IRA account every year until then, how much money will I have available?" You can use it before you enter information in the Retirement Planner, to give you an idea of how much more you'll need to save.

  1. Click the Planning tab.
  2. Choose Planning Tools > Retirement Calculator.
    • To calculate a starting amount for your retirement savings
    • To calculate your annual contribution to your retirement account
    • To calculate a starting amount for your retirement savings
  3. In the Retirement Information area, enter information about your retirement account and when you plan to retire.
  4. If your retirement account is not a tax-deferred investment, click Non-Sheltered Investment.
    • What about IRA and Keogh plans?
  5. If the tax rates shown are incorrect for your income bracket, enter the correct tax rates in the fields provided.
  6. Enter the adjustments you want Quicken to make for inflation. (Optional)
  7. Click Calculate after entering the last value.
  8. To see the schedule of deposits you must make to achieve your retirement goal, click Schedule.
    • Tell me more about the schedule
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