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How do I use standard Portfolio page to answer investment questions

  1. Click the Investing tab.
  2. If necessary, click the Portfolio button. 
  3. In the Show list at the top of the Portfolio window, select the view that most closely corresponds to your question.
    • How am I doing? (Value)
    • What is my short term return? (Recent Performance)
    • What is my return over the last year, three years and five years? (Historic Performance)
    • How are my investments doing compared to the market and other industry benchmarks? (Fundamentals)
    • How are my investments doing today? (Quotes)
    • What is my asset allocation? Am I over-invested in a security that is not performing well? (Asset Allocation)
    • What are my capital gains/losses for the year? (Tax Implications)


Quicken relies on accurate and complete data to derive reliable performance measures. To view certain performance measures, it may be necessary first to replace placeholder entries with complete historical data.

Certain standardized views were added or redesigned in Quicken 2004. If you want the older back, follow these steps:

To restore your older Portfolio views

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