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How do I use groups to manage addresses?

When you add a contact to your Address Book, you can assign the contact to one or more groups (such as Family, Friends, or Christmas List). Grouping contact information is useful if, for example, you want to print a set of mailing labels for family members. You can use the groups that Address Book provides, or create up to 100 new ones. You can also rename groups.

If you use Quicken Business & Personal, the Address Book provides default Customer and Vendor groups. When you add a contact to the Customer or Vendor List, it's added to the appropriate group.

Create a group in Address Book

  1. Choose Tools menu > Address Book

  2. From the Group list, select <New>.

  3. Enter name of the new group.

  4. Click OK.


You can create up to 100 new groups. You can assign contacts to groups, such as Family, Friends, or Christmas List. Grouping contact information is useful if, for example, you want to print a set of mailing labels for family members.

Assign a contact to a group in Address Book

  1. Choose Tools menu > Address Book

  2. Select the contact you want to assign to a group.

  3. Click Options > Assign to Groups.

  4. Select the group(s) that you want to assign the contacts to.

  5. Click OK.


  • If you've already assigned the contact to a group, the group is highlighted in step 2 (above).

  • If a contact was previously assigned to a group and you want to remove it from that group, click the group to remove the highlighting in step 3 (above).

Assign multiple contacts to one or more groups in Address Book

  1. Choose Tools menu > Address Book

  2. Select the contacts you want to assign to the groups.

  3. Click Options > Assign to Groups.

  4. Select the groups that you want to assign the contacts to.

  5. Select either of the following choices:

    • Added to the existing selection: Add it to the new group and keep it assigned to the groups that it was previously assigned to.

    • Replacing the existing selection: Add the contact to the new group and remove it from the groups that it was previously assigned to.

  6. Click OK.

Rename a group in Address Book

  1. Choose Tools menu > Address Book.  

  2. Select the name of the group you want to rename, and then enter the new name.

  3. Click Apply to see your changes.

  4. Click OK.


You can't rename the predefined QuickFill List. (Quicken Business & Personal users can't rename the Customer List or Vendor List).

Delete a group in Address Book

  1. Choose Tools menu > Address Book.   

  2. From the Group list, select Edit.

  3. Select the name of the group you want to remove, and then click Delete.

  4. Click OK.


Follow these steps to delete any group in Address Book—even the default groups. Deleting a group does not delete the addresses that belong to it.

Select which groups to show in Address Book

  1. Choose Tools menu > Address Book

  2. From the Group list, select <Selected Groups>.

  3. Select the group or groups you want to display.

  4. Click OK.

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