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How do I update the security information for my Quicken ID?

You can update the security information for your Quicken ID. This includes whether you use a phone number, SMS (text) number, or email address. When your identity needs to be verified, Quicken will send you a security code.

Here's how:

  1. Choose Edit menu → Preferences.

  2. In the left pane, select Quicken ID & Cloud Accounts.

  3. In the right pane, under Quicken Profile, select Update Profile.

  4. Select Change Method.

  5. In the Change Method dialog, select a method to send you a security code:

    • Email - security codes received by email

    • SMS - security codes received by text message

    • Phone call - security codes received by phone call/

  6. Enter your Current Password.

  7. Select Save Changes.

If you need to change your phone number, select Change Phone instead of Change Method.

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