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How do I unlink an existing asset from multiple loan accounts?

If an asset is linked to multiple loan accounts, you can remove the link by updating each loan account individually. This is usually associated with Home accounts, which often have multiple loans. Follow these steps to unlink the asset.

  1. Select ToolsAccounts List.

  2. Click Edit next to the first loan account you want to modify.

  3. In the Linked Asset Account drop-down list, select (none).

  4. Quicken refreshes the window and updates the Linked Asset Account field to display (none).

  5. Repeat steps 2–4 for each loan account linked to the asset.

  6. In the Accounts List, select the house account associated with the loans, then click Edit.

  7. In the Account Details window, check the Mortgage Account field:

    • If only one loan account remains linked, its name appears.

    • If all loan accounts are unlinked, (none) appears.

    • If multiple loan accounts remain linked, Multiple Loan Accounts appears.

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