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How do I remove or update tax form line item assignments?

Update the tax line item assignment for a single transaction

  1. Open the account that contains the transaction you need to edit.
  2. In the account register, select the transaction you want to change.
  3. Choose Edit menu > Tax Line Item Assignments.
  4. What do you want to do?
    • Add or change a tax line item
      In the Tax item list, select the tax form and tax schedule line item you want to use, and then click OK.
      • What if I don't see the tax line item I want?
        If you don't find your tax line item, or if you know the category is related to an uncommon tax form (for example, Form 8839:Qualified Adoption Expenses), click Extended List and look again.
      • Which tax schedules and forms does Quicken recognize?
        Quicken recognizes a number of tax schedules and forms.
    • Remove a tax line item
      In the Tax item list, select the blank row at the top of the list, and then click OK
      Although the category still shows the default tax line item in the register, Quicken no longer counts this transaction with the tax-related transactions. Quicken also removes the white check mark in a red circle (below the date) that indicates the transaction has a tax impact.
    • Restore a tax line item
      In the Tax item list, select Restore tax line item, and then click OK.
      Quicken counts this transaction with the tax-related transactions and restores the white check mark in a red circle (below the date) that indicates the transaction has a tax impact.
  5. Click Save to record the changes.

  • Restore a tax line item

  • Click Save to record the changes.

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