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How do I learn which tax schedule line items Quicken uses

Quicken uses tax schedule line items associated with the following forms and schedules:

Form or scheduleWhat it's for
1099-GUsed to report certain government payments from federal, state, or local governments.
1099-MiscUsed to report miscellaneous income received and direct sales of consumer goods for resale.
1099-RUsed to report taxable and nontaxable retirement distributions from retirement, pension, profit-sharing, or annuity plans. Use a separate Form 1099-R for each payer.
10999-MSAUsed to report medical savings account distributions.
Form 1040The main form of your tax return.
Form 2106Used to deduct unreimbursed employee business expenses. You must file this form if you weren't reimbursed by your employer for job-related travel, transportation, meal, or entertainment expenses. Use a separate Form 2106 for your spouse's expenses.
Form 2441Used to claim a credit for child and dependent care expenses.
Form 3903Used to claim moving expenses.
Form 4137Used to compute Social Security and Medicare tax owed on tips you didn't report to your employer.
Form 4835Used to report farm rental income received as a share of crops or livestock produced by your tenant if you didn't materially participate in the operation or management of the farm. Use a different copy of Form 4835 for each farm rented.
Form 4952Used to compute the amount of investment interest expense deductible for the current year and the amount, if any, to carry forward to future years.
Form 6252Used to report income from an installment sale (in other words, casual sales of real or personal property when you will receive any payments in a tax year after the year of sale).
Form 8815Used to compute the amount of interest you may exclude if you cashed series EE U.S. savings bonds this year that were issued after 1989 to pay for qualified higher education costs.
Form 8829Used only if you file a Schedule C, Profit or Loss from Business, and you meet specific requirements to deduct expenses for the business use of your home. IRS rules are stringent for this deduction. Refer to IRS Publication 587.
Form 8839Used to report qualified adoption expenses.
Schedule AUsed to report your itemized deductions.
Schedule BUsed to report your interest and dividend income.
Schedule CUsed to report income from self-employment. Use a separate Schedule C to report income and expenses from different businesses.
Schedule DUsed to report gains and losses from the sale of capital assets. If you received capital gain dividends, use the capital gain dividend category found on Schedule B.
Schedule EUsed to report income or loss from rental real estate, royalties, and residual interest in REMICs. Use a different copy for each rental or royalty. Use the Schedule K-1 categories for partnership rental income and loss amounts.
Schedule FUsed to report farm income and expense. Use a different copy of Schedule F for each farm you own.
Schedule HUsed to report federal employment taxes on cash wages paid this year to household employees. Federal employment taxes include Social Security, Medicare, withheld federal income, and federal unemployment (FUTA) taxes.
Schedule K-1Used to report your share of a partnership's income, credits, deductions, and so on. Use a separate copy of Schedule K-1 for each partnership.
W2Used by your employer to report the amount of wages and other compensation you earned as an employee, and the amount of federal and state taxes withheld and fringe benefits received. You should use a separate copy of Form W2 for each employer.
W-2GUsed to report certain gambling winnings.
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