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How do I find out how my investments are doing?

You can create a number of reports to find out how your investments are doing. Click the topic below for the report you want more information about.


The accuracy of the data in Quicken investment reports depends on the amount of current and historical data you enter. If you've downloaded or entered only part of your historical investment data, Quicken uses asterisks or other notations to let you know which performance measures are affected by the missing data. When you run a report with missing data, Quicken adds a Placeholder Entries link to the bottom of the report to help you understand why this data is important, and a Show me link to take you to the place in Quicken you need to go to add your missing data. If all you're interested in is the current market value of your holdings, which is based only on the number of shares you own and the current price, you don't need to worry about the missing data. However, if you want to take advantage of the performance measures in Quicken, you must add the missing data to Quicken.

  • Capital Gains report
  • Income by Security Report

    The investment report, Income by Security, offers a detailed overview of dividends, interest, and other income earned from securities. It includes five selectable columns that provide a comprehensive breakdown of your investment income. This report is available to users of Quicken Premier or Quicken Business & Personal.
    The columns included in the report are as follows:

    1. Security: Name of each security.

    2. Symbol: Ticker symbol of each security.

    3. Shares: Number of shares owned for each security.

    4. Dividends: Dividend income earned, including reinvested dividends, for each security.

    5. Div per Share: Dividend income earned, including reinvestments, divided by the ending number of shares

    6. Interest: Total interest earned for each security, including reinvestments

    7. Other Income: Income other than dividends, interest, realized and unrealized gains

    8. Realized Gains: Gains recorded in Sale/Cover transactions or in Capital Gains distributions or reinvestments

    9. Unrealized Gains: Unrealized changes in investment value during the report period

    10. Total Income: Total income earned for each security includes any of the five categories for which the checkboxes have been selected.

    11. MKT Value: Market value of your investment in each security at the end date of the report.

    12. Income as % of Market Value: Total Income divided by Market Value, expressed as a percent.

  • Investing Activity report
  • Investment Asset Allocation report or graph
  • Investment Income report

  • Investment performance (IRR) report or graph

  • Portfolio Value report or graph
  • Portfolio Value and Cost Basis report or graph
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