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How do I edit a unit?

  1. Click the Rental Property tab.
  2. Click the Properties & Tenants button and choose Show Property List.
  3. Select the property that has the unit you want to edit.
    • Why can’t I see my rental property in this list?
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Modify the unit name if necessary.
  6. Select the Hide check box if you want to hide the unit.
    • Why should I hide a unit?
  7. Click Add more units if you want to add units to the property.
  8. Click OK.


To edit a property or unit, you can also click Properties & Tenants on the Rent Center page, choose Show property list, and click Edit.

More Information

Edit rental property

Add more units

This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. This feature is not available in Canada, Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes. 

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