How do I create investment reports?
To see how your investments are performing, create an investment performance report or graph.
Most investment actions have a category associated with them. If you clear either the action or its corresponding category in the report, their transactions will be excluded.
Investment actions and associated categories
Category | Action |
_DivInc | Div, DivX, or ReinvDiv |
_IntInc | IntInc or ReinvInt |
_LT CapGnDst | CGLong, CGLongX, or ReinvLg |
_MT CapGnDst | CGMid, CGMidX, or ReinvMd |
_RlzdGain | Sell or SellX, or Buy or BuyX if you short the security |
_ST CapGnDst | CGShort, CGShortX, or ReinvSh |
_DivInc TaxFree | Div, DivX, ReinvDiv on a security that is tax-free |
_IntExp | MargInt |
_IntInc TaxFree | IntInc, ReinvDiv on a security that is tax-free |
_EmpStkOptInc Employee Stock Option Inc | Exercise, ExerciseX |
The _UnrlzGain and _Accrued Int categories have no corresponding actions. Transactions categorized as _UnrlzGain can appear in a report if the price of a security changes. You can use the _Accrued Int category with MiscExp, MiscInc, MiscExpX, or MiscIncX transactions. The _MT CapGnDst category and its associated actions applied to the 1997 tax year, when medium-term holdings were possible.
Quicken relies on accurate and complete data to derive reliable performance measures. To view certain performance measures, it may be necessary first to replace placeholder entries with complete historical data.