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How do I add a tenant?

  1. Click the Rental Property tab.
  2. Click the Properties & Tenants button and choose Add Tenant.
  3. In the Rent Details tab, fill in the requested information.
    • What do I select in the Account name list?
    • What is a rent account?
    • What if I delete a rent account?
  4. In the Contact tab, fill in the contact information for the tenant. (Optional)
    • Tell me more about entering information here
  5. In the Terms & Agreement tab, fill in the terms and agreement information. (Optional)
    • Tell me more about the dates I see here
  6. In the Security Deposit tab, fill in the security deposit information for the tenant. (Optional)
    • What happens when I enter data in the security deposit collected field?
    • What happens when I enter data in the security deposit returned field?
    • How should I handle security deposits that I keep?
  7. In the ‘Documents’ tab, add the documents pertaining to this tenant. You can upload any agreements you may have with this tenant or any ID proof / Address proof of this person etc for future references. To do this, click on ‘Attach’ and upload a scanned copy of this document. You can add ‘Notes’ to enter any extra information about each document.
  8. Click OK.


  • Always add a tenant before you enter rental income for a property. If you enter rental income in the Income & Expense ledger for a payee whom you have not added as a tenant, the income does not appear on the Rent Center page.
  • In Quicken, you need to add at least one property and one checking account before you can add a tenant.

More Information

Adding Section 8 tenants

Note for our Canadian Customers

The following terms will be different in the Canadian releases of Quicken.

Canada: "Cheque" / United States: "Check"
Canada: "Colour" / United States: "Color"
Canada: "Centre" / United States: "Center"
Canada: "Realise" / United States: "Realize"
Canada: "Behaviour" / United States: "Behavior"
Canada: "Analyse" / United States: "Analyze"

This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. This feature is not available in Canada, Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes. 

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