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View daily investment changes

Quicken helps you keep track of all your investments in shares and securities. The Quicken calendar gives you the latest status of all your investments at a glance. This helps you decide which of your holdings are doing well, which are not doing well, which are worth retaining, which ones need to be sold etc.

View your investment details in the calendar

To view the details of your investments:

  1. Click the Settings icon on the top right of the calendar and click Customize.
  2. Select all the investing accounts. You can also select a single account if you want to closely track the holdings in that account.
  3. Select the option Show Investment Changes.

Investment day changes

The investing details displayed in the Quicken calendar are of the investment accounts that you selected and of the holdings (shares and securities) that you currently own. The details of the holdings that you sold in the past are not displayed in the calendar.

  • Weekdays in the calendar show the percentage day change of all the holdings in the selected investment accounts. For example, assuming that you have selected two investment accounts and have five holdings in these accounts. The percentage change in both these accounts is displayed.
  • An up green arrow indicates the increase in the value of the holdings by the percentage displayed. For example, assuming that you bought a share at $100 and the price increases to $125 the next day. This change is displayed as a green up arrow 25%.
  • A red down arrow indicates the decrease in value of the holdings. For example, assuming that you bought a share at $100 and the price falls to $50 the next day. This change is displayed as a red down arrow 50%.
  • Click the percentage value to view the details of each holding. A pop-up displays the value of each holding on that day (in dollars). The holdings in this pop-up are grouped as gain, loss, and unchanged. Gains are the holdings whose value has increased, losses are the ones whose value has reduced and the unchanged are the ones whose value is unchanged.


This investment day change is the total percent change in your investment holdings and does not include any cash balance in the associated investing account.

For example, assuming that you are holding one share of ABC CORP priced at $100 and you have a cash balance of $10,000 in the same account. This means that your total market value is $10,100. Now, if the price of ABC Corp drops to $75 on a day, the percent change shown would be −25%. This is the% change of your holding. However, the total value of the account, including cash, would have only dropped by only 0.2547%.

Another example: Assume you hold two shares of ABC CORP priced at $100 AND you have a cash balance of $10,000. If you sell one share, the investment day change would by −50%. Whereas the % change of the entire account including cash is only −0.99%.

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