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Merge Categories

Merging categories helps organize your financial records by consolidating similar or duplicate categories. This process is particularly useful if you've created redundant categories over time or want to simplify your reports for better analysis.

When you merge categories, all transactions assigned to the merged categories are combined under a single category. Subcategories are also merged, provided they share the same name. The original categories are removed from your category list, leaving a cleaner, more structured view.

Merging Categories

To merge categories:

  1. Go to Window menu → Categories.

  2. Command-click each category you want to merge.

    • Hold down the Command key and click to select multiple categories.

  3. Select the Merge Categories button at the bottom of the window.

  4. In the dialog, verify that your preferred Category name is selected under Into. (it must be one of the listed category names).

  5. Complete the merge by selecting Merge.

  6. Review the updated category list to verify the categories have been merged successfully.

Undoing a Merge

If you need to reverse the merge, press Command + Z immediately to undo the action.


Merging categories combines their transactions, so ensure you’ve selected the correct categories before merging.

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