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Learning Center

Welcome to the Learning Center on Quicken, designed to guide and support you in managing your finances effectively. You can navigate to the Learning Center from the Dashboard by selecting the Learning Center tab. Once you are on the tab, select the topic you want to learn more about. Jump between sections as needed. Pick the most relevant topics for you. Learning center items are linked to the features they describe so you can quickly move to use what you have learned.

You can also reach the Learning Center by navigating to the Help menu → Learning Center. You may also want to view the Help menu for additional learning tools such as the Getting Started Guide, Take a Tour, and Keyboard Shortcuts. 

Learning Center topics

Add Accounts

Learn how to integrate all your financial accounts with Quicken. This includes connecting your accounts, viewing them in the sidebar, and using One Step Update.

Understanding Your Registers

Gain insight into ensuring that all your transactions are correctly categorized, which is crucial for accurate financial reporting. This includes terms, using columns, customizing your register, editing a transaction, searching, filtering, rules, and splitting transaction categories.

Use Reports

Understand how to generate and interpret various financial reports such as cash flow, net worth, and tax schedules. This includes finding the report you need, using EasyAnswer reports, editing, and exporting.

Add Bills

This is where you'll understand how to manage and pay your bills, both online and manually, directly through Quicken. This includes setting up bill reminders, making payments, and sending checks.

Track Investments

Get a comprehensive overview of your investment accounts in one place. This includes information about Simple versus Detailed tracking.

Plan for Taxes

Equip yourself with tools and knowledge to efficiently manage and plan your taxes using Quicken. This tells you about assigning tax categories and using the Tax Schedule report.

Organize Transactions

Learn the best way to categorize and tag transactions, helping you track and manage your spending effectively. This includes categorization, customizing categories, finding uncategorized transactions, using tags, and creating references that make sense.

Create a Budget

Understand how to set and monitor budgets, ensuring you're on track with your financial goals. This includes planning and reviewing your budget.

Manage Business

Understand key business features such as the new Business Dashboard and Mileage Tracker. Learn how to kickstart your journey with Quicken and smoothly transition your existing business categories into this comprehensive financial system.

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