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Hide, separate, close or delete accounts

Quicken has a number of account settings to define where an account appears on the Account Sidebar or whether or not it should be included in the net worth calculation or automatically included in reports.

For example, you may want to hide an account if you've closed the account or if you just don't want to see it. In this case, it will now appear in a Hidden Accounts group. Another option is to mark an account as a Keep Separate account. This makes sense if there are accounts that you are tracking for your kids, elderly parents, or for an organization such as a church group or civic organization and you don't want the account balances mixed in with your personal accounts including net worth and reports. All Separate Accounts appear at the bottom of the Account Sidebar below the net worth section.

Deleting an account permanently removes that account and all of its transactions from your file. Consider using the hide or close account option for accounts with data you may need for historical reporting or if you want to be able to search on that account's transactions in the future.

Account Visibility Options

Hide in Lists

Keep Separate

Mark as Closed

Hidden within sidebar


Hidden from transaction entry lists



Not included in Net Worth


Hidden from overview, budgets, accounts summary, reports, and graphs by default


Stop transaction downloads


Account balance set to $0


Hide an account

  1. In Quicken, choose Accounts > Hide and Show Accounts.
  2. For the account, you'd like to hide, choose the Hide in Lists checkbox.
  3. Click OK.
    • Quicken will hide the account and move it to the Hidden Accounts group at the bottom of the list of accounts. To show a previously hidden account, deselect the Hide in List checkbox.

You can also specify this setting in Account Settings.

Separate an account

  1. In Quicken, choose Accounts > Hide and Show Accounts.
  2. For the account, you'd like to separate, choose the Keep Separate checkbox.
  3. Click OK.
    • Quicken will separate and move it to the Separate Accounts section at the bottom of the Account Sidebar below net worth. To restore a Separate account to the normal Account Sidebar location, deselect the Keep Separate checkbox.

You can also specify this setting in Account Settings.

Close an account

  1. In Quicken, choose Accounts > Settings
  2. For the account, you'd like to close, select Mark as Closed.
  3. Click OK.
    • Quicken will automatically add an adjustment to set the balance to zero, disconnect the account if it's a connected account, and mark the account as hidden so it moves to the Hidden Accounts group.

Delete an account

WARNING: Deleting an account will remove all its transactions and transaction history from Quicken. The transactions and historical information will no longer be available in reports, tools, or over-time reports. You should delete an account only if it was added in error, or if you're sure you will never need the account data in Quicken again.

Consider hiding the account (see help topic above) instead of deleting if it's a valid account that is closed or infrequently used. This will remove the account from day-to-day usage but preserve the past data for reports and tools.

  1. Select the account you want to delete in the sidebar.
  2. In Quicken, choose Accounts > Delete Account...
  3. Click Delete to confirm the deletion.

    One do over

    From the Quicken menu, you can choose Edit > Undo Delete Account. (This is the only time you can recover this account. Once you move on to another task, you will no longer be able to recover this account.) You will also need to reconnect the account for download after the deletion.

Note: You can also delete an account from the sidebar. Right-click the account and select Delete.

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