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Create and Customize Reports

Your need for information about your finances can grow over time, making it more and more important to have tools that help you make sense of your finances. One of the keys to making the best use of Quicken is to use reports. Quicken comes with many set reports across multiple categories:

  • Transaction

  • Summary

  • Comparison

  • Crosstab

  • Net Worth

  • Tax

  • Other Reports

In addition to using standard reports, you can create new reports and customize existing reports to suit your needs.

About Legacy Reports

When a report has a black square icon

, it is classified as a legacy report. While these reports are valid and offer correct information, they possess fewer features and lack certain functionalities compared to our latest report offerings.

Customizing a report

Customizing a report is an easy way to build a report that suits your needs without having to create it from scratch. Quicken already comes with many standard reports, and it is easy to change the report to suit your needs, then save the report with a new name.

  1. Go to the report you want to start with. You can do this from the Reports menu, but it is often better to use the Reports tab because you can see report descriptions and also use Search All Reports to find the report you need (including any custom reports).

  2. Select the report you want to use. For example, you may choose to start with Category Summary by Month.

  3. On the report screen, you can customize the report. There are many ways to customize a report:

    • Use the Edit button (This is great for changing the Date Range or selecting individual items such as specific Categories, Tags, or Payees). See more about the Edit Report feature below.

    • Change one or more of the options at the top of the report.

    • Collapse or expand a section of a report by selecting the arrow next to a row.

    • Use View to Expand All, Collapse All, choose Columns, or View Settings. 

      View Settings let you:

      • Show or hide currency symbols

      • Adjust the Font and Text Size

      • Change the Row Style (Striped, Ruled, Bordered, Plan)
    • Change the report name.

  4. When you try to close a report you’ve customized, you will be asked Do you want to save changes to this report?

    • Select Save to replace the old report with this customized report.

    • Select Save as a new custom report if you don't want to replace the old report. This will also allow you to change the report name if you have not already done so.

  5. Your new custom report will appear on your Report tab under My Reports.

Creating a new report from the Report tab

One of the ways you can create a report is to use the Create New Report tool on your reports tab. This will give you many options to help you create a custom report.

  1. Select the Reports tab. The Reports screen will appear.

  2. Select Create New Report from the left column.

  3. Select a type of report:

    Each type of report has a name field and customizations:

    • Transaction reports have you select

      • Row (Category, Payee, Tag, Account, Time)

      • Date range

      • Which accounts to use.

    • Summary reports have you select

      • Row (Category, Payee, Tag)

      • Column (Time, Account, Payee, Tag)

    • Comparison reports have you select

      • Row (Category, Payee, Tab)

      • Date Range

      • Comparison

  4. Once you have finished naming your report and selecting your report criteria, select OK. Your report will be created.

  5. Your report will appear on the Reports page. Select My Reports to view your custom reports.

You can also create a new report by choosing one of the following options from the Reports Menu:

  • Create Transaction Report

  • Create Summary Report

  • Create Comparison Report

Creating investment portfolio reports

For users of our investment features, the best way to create a report is to use the Export option on your Portfolio view

  1. Select Investing or an individual investment account from the sidebar.

  2. Select the Export icon located on the right side of the portfolio screen. It is located below the graph but above the table.

  3. Select either Export to CSV or Export with Lots to CSV.

  4. Open the report in a spreadsheet program such as Numbers or Excel.

About the Edit Report screen

The Edit Report feature is one of the key ways to customize your reports. You can access the Edit Report screen from any report by selecting Edit.

The Edit Report screen will appear. Depending on the report criteria, not all of the edit options may be available for an individual report, but the five standard options are Date Range, Accounts, Categories, Tags, Payees.

Date Range

Select from preset data options such as All Dates, Year to Date, Last Quarter, Last Year, and many others. You select a specific date range using any two valid dates.


Under Accounts, you can choose either All Accounts or Selected Accounts. Under Selected Accounts, use the checkboxes to add or remove accounts from your report.


Under Categories, you can choose either:

  • Include transactions with any category (including uncategorized)

  • Include only transactions with selected categories.

If you choose to Include only transactions with selected categories, then use the checkboxes to add or remove categories from your report.


Under Tags, you can choose either:

  • Include transactions with any or no tag.

  • Include transactions with any of the selected tags (transactions only have to have one of the tags selected below).

  • Include only transactions with all of the selected tags (all included transactions must have every tag selected below).

If you choose one of the include only options, then use the checkboxes to add or remove tags from your report.

The first item on the Tag list is No Tag. Selecting that option will include transactions without tags.


Under Payees, you can choose either:

  • Include transactions with any or no payee

  • Include only transactions with selected payees

If you choose to Include only transactions with selected payees, then use the checkboxes to add or remove payees from your report.

The option Include hidden payees allows you to also view and select from Payees you have hidden using the Payees & Rules screen. You can access the Payees & Rules screen from the Window menu or by using the keyboard shortcut Shift + Command + E.


The Advanced tab under Edit Report allows you to set preferences for several specific scenarios. If Advanced options for a report are unavailable, this tab does not appear.


You can organize your report by Income & Expense or Cash Flow (inflows and outflows). If the text is grayed out, then the option is unavailable. 


Transfers are transactions between your bank accounts and other accounts that may or may not be tracked in Quicken.

You can select from the following options:

  • Exclude all transfers: No transfers will appear in the report.
  • Include selected transfers with accounts outside of report: (default)
    Include selected transfers to or from an account list not selected in the Edit Report Accounts tab. This will also include transfers to unspecified accounts.
    • Transfer: Include transfers only if they are to accounts that do not appear in this report.
    • Credit Card Payment: Include credit card payments only if they are to accounts that do not appear in this report.
  • Include selected transfers with any account in the report:
    Include selected transfers to or from any account selected in the Edit Report → Accounts tab. This will also include transfers to unspecified accounts.
    • Transfer: Include all transfers regardless of what account they are to.
    • Credit Card Payment: Include all credit card payments regardless of what account they are to.


Select Include balance forward & adjustments to include manual adjustments to your accounts.

Investment Gains

Select Include unrealized gains to include potential gains not yet converted into actual profits. Unrealized gains occur when the current market value of an investment is higher than its initial purchase cost.

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