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Banktivity import issues

This topic explains some actions you may need to take after you import data from Banktivity.

  • Review your stock split transactions. Banktivity exports these transactions without flagging them as positive splits (for example, 2 for 1) or reverse splits (for example, 1 for 2). As such, if your data contains reverse stock splits, you need to manually update them after import. For easy identification, Quicken flags stock splits with a blue dot icon in the status column. The import log file will also indicate the names of investing accounts that contain stock split transactions (See Help > Show Logs in Finder to view your import log file).
  • Interest income transactions without a security are not exported into the .QIF file. To resolve this issue, we recommend that you associate your interest income with a security in Banktivity, prior to exporting the data into the .QIF file. Or, in Banktivity, you can change these transactions to deposits and categorize the transaction as interest income. (Alternatively, you can manually enter these transactions in Quicken after import.)
  • Some bond transactions may not be imported accurately. If you notice that there is a discrepancy in your balances or holdings even after resolving the above two issues, check your bond transactions for accuracy.
  • Price history data is not exported. For this, you need to manually import this data into Quicken through a CSV file.
  • Securities without a ticker symbol are shown with a zero value in your portfolio. You need to manually add a ticker and import the price history for these securities.
  • Balances reported in the Log file. Banktivity exports the expected "Ending Balance" for each account in the .QIF file. After import Quicken will indicate if the ending balance in Quicken does not match the reported ending balance in the import log file (See Help > Show Logs in Finder to view your import log file). Discrepancies in ending balance could be caused by missing transactions if you chose to export a range that excludes transactions you entered in Banktivity. For example, future-dated transactions or very old transactions.
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