To make an online payment using Bank Bill Pay, you must first provide information to Quicken about the biller or individual to whom you want to make the payment. Quicken stores this information in your payee list for future use. You can add all your online payees in advance, or add them as needed directly from the register.
Note:From time to time, compare your payee information with a recent statement from your payee to make sure that you still have the correct address and account number.
Add via the payee list
To add an Online Payee via the payee list:
In Quicken, chooseWindow menu > Payees & Rules. Add the payee as explained inManage Payee.
Provide the following additional information:
Address. Enter the mailing address of the payee. For individuals and smaller billers, the amount may be paid by a paper check, so a correct address is very important.
Account Number. Enter any account number that is associated with the payee. Check your paper statement or biller’s website to verify the correct account number. If you do not have an account number for the payee (for example when making a one-time payment or paying an individual), enter a telephone number or a memo for reference.
Description. This field is optional. However, it is useful if you need to create two Online Payees with the same name. For example,#1 Payee Name: Midwest Wireless; Description: My Phoneand#2 Payee Name: Midwest Wireless; Description: Spouse’s Phone. In this scenario, payments for both payees will be sent toMidwest Wireless. However, they will be listed in the register and payee list asMidwest Wireless (My Phone)andMidwest Wireless (Spouse’s Phone).
You can now use this payee when creating a Bill Pay transaction. You can also add Online Payees when entering a new Bill Pay transaction in the register. Here are the methods of how to do this:
Add directly in the register; Quicken will prompt you for the required information
Enter the desired payee name in thePayeefield.
Select the date and amount to pay.
When you clickSave, you’ll be prompted to complete the required Online Payee information.
Complete the form and clickDone. The Online Payee will be saved in your Payee List.
Go ahead and add other details for the Bill Pay transaction as explained inthis topic.
OR use the register autocomplete menu option
Enter the desired payee name in thePayeefield.
Before exiting thePayeefield, chooseAdd new Online Payee…from the autocomplete menu that appears below. You’ll be prompted to complete the required Online Payee information.
Complete the form and clickDone. The Online Payee will be saved in your Payee List.
Add other details for the Bill Pay transaction as explained inthis topic.
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