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What if Quicken tells me I don't need to enter a negative amount for a deduction when setting up a paycheck?

Quicken will calculate and subtract the paycheck 's deductions for you. Unlike other split transactions in Quicken, you don't need to enter a negative amount to identify a deduction from the total amount.

If your paycheck includes a negative adjustment

If your paycheck includes a one-time reimbursement or other adjustment, the easiest way to track it is simply to make sure it is accounted for in the paycheck total.

Reduce the gross amount

  1. Under Earnings, next to your W-2 Salary, click Edit and reduce the gross amount by the value of the reimbursement.

    Add the reimbursement amount

  2. Under Earnings, choose Add Earning > Other Earning.
  3. In the Add Earning dialog, fill in the fields:
    • Name: Type a meaningful name, such as Reimbursement.
    • Category: Select an existing category such as Misc (miscellaneous), or create a new one.
    • Amount: Enter the reimbursement amount. Because you've identified it as a deduction, Quicken will subtract this value from the Gross amount.
  4. Click OK.

If your paycheck frequently includes reimbursements for work-related expenses

If your paycheck frequently includes reimbursements for work-related expenses, you should first add an account to track reimbursable expenses and enter the expenses as they occur. Then follow this procedure when you receive a paycheck that includes a reimbursement:

Reduce the gross amount

  1. Under Earnings, next to your W-2 Salary, click Edit and reduce the gross amount by the value of the reimbursement.

    Add the reimbursement amount

  2. Under Earnings, choose Add Earning > Other Earning.
  3. In the Add Earning dialog, fill in the fields:
    • Name: Type a meaningful name, such as Reimbursement.
    • Category: Click the Transfers tab in the Category List and select the account you added to track reimbursable expenses.
    • Amount: Enter the reimbursement amount. Because you've identified it as a deduction, Quicken will subtract this value from the Gross amount.
  4. Click OK.

The gross W-2 salary amount should now be restored to its original amount.

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