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What if Quicken tells me deleting my 401(k) contribution will also delete my 401(k) loan repayment when setting up a paycheck?

Don't delete your 401(k) contribution from this paycheck unless you also want to delete your 401(k) loan repayment.

What if I stopped contributing to this 401(k) plan, but I'm still making loan repayments from my paycheck to the plan administrator?

If you've stopped contributing to this 401(k) but are still paying off a loan against it, edit the contribution amount to zero.

What if I changed 401(k) plan administrators, but I'm still paying off a loan?

If you now contribute to a different 401(k), edit the contribution to go to the new 401(k) account. How you treat the loan repayments will depend upon whether your new plan administrator now handles the loan, whether you paid off the loan when you stopped contributing to the old 401(k), or whether you opened a new 401(k) but still pay off a loan attached to the old 401(k) account.

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