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What if Quicken asks if I want to manually reconcile an account?

Handling Manual Reconciliation Requests in Quicken

When Quicken prompts you to manually reconcile an account, it's often due to adjustments made to transactions that were already reconciled in the past.

Why Does This Happen?

Modifications to the amount of a previously reconciled transaction can disrupt the accuracy of future reconciliations. Quicken is designed to alert you when you're about to alter a reconciled transaction, ensuring you're aware of the potential impact on your financial records.

Maintaining Control While Protecting Your Data

Quicken empowers you with the flexibility to edit transactions at any point, even after reconciliation. This feature allows you to maintain precise control over your financial records. To safeguard your data against accidental or unauthorized changes, Quicken provides the option to secure your accounts with passwords.

Need Further Assistance?

For detailed guidance on reconciling an account in Quicken for Windows, refer to the support article titled Reconciling an Account in Quicken for Windows.

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