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What if my Net Worth report or graph doesn't look complete?

In Quicken, the Net Worth report or graph includes all transactions in your file. If information appears to be missing on the report or graph, it may be because the report or graph has been customized to exclude some information.

  1. Click Customize.
  2. In the Date range list, select Earliest to date.
  3. Click the Accounts tab.
  4. In the Select Account Group list, select All Accounts, and then click Mark All.
  5. Click the Categories tab.
  6. Click Mark All.
  7. Click the Payees tab.
  8. Click Mark All.
  9. Click the Tags tab.
  10. Click Mark All.
  11. If you have investments, click the Advanced tab.
  12. Select the Include unrealized gains check box, and also make sure you've entered correct security prices.

    If you clear the Include Unrealized Gains check box, your investments are reported at cost basis instead of market value.

    If you enter incorrect security prices, investment values can be wrong.

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