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What if information is missing from my imported QIF file?

You can use QIF Export to export all the exportable account and list information in a specific data file, and then use QIF Import to import all the importable account and list information into a new data file. Note that this process imports all account information from one Quicken data file to another at one time.

QIF import is available for cash, checking (Chequing in Canada), credit card, savings, 401(k), assets or any other brokerage accounts.

If you have purchased Quicken Business & Personal you can use QIF to import transactions into accounts payable accounts and invoice accounts as well. QIF import is also available for any exported list, but the file you want to import the list into must already include a valid account.

The following items cannot be moved to a new data file with the import and export procedures and must be entered manually.

  • account balances may not be correct after undergoing the export/import process. (If you created a new copy of your data using the Year-End Copy command, Quicken removed reconciled transactions from the newly created data file, but didn't remove cleared transactions outside of the date range you specified. This can mean that a transfer transaction between two accounts can still appear in one account but not the other. When you use the import/export commands to move this account information to a new data file, Quicken automatically rebuilds the previously-removed reconciled transfer transactions back into the second account, which can lead to incorrect account balances.)
  • asset allocation information
  • budget settings and data
  • Calendar notes
  • category group information
  • credit report information
  • customized category information (such as associated tax forms and lines)
  • customized Quicken file settings
  • debt reduction information
  • Deduction Finder information
  • desktop layout and settings
  • fiscal year settings
  • investment lot identification information. (If you have sold a lot other than the oldest lot, this information is lost after the import.)
  • investment transaction information. (For ESOGs, all data is lost. For ESPPs, grant period and grant price data is lost. For cash transactions in the investment account, the security name is lost; the export includes only the date and amount of the cash transaction.)
  • loan payment schedule information (principal and interest amounts)
  • saved reports and graphs
  • Memorized Payee List information (You may be able to rebuild the Memorized Payee List in the new file by pressing Shift while selecting Memorized Payee List from the Tools menu.)
  • multi-currency information

Note for our Canadian Customers

The following terms will be different in the Canadian releases of Quicken.

Canada: "Cheque" / United States: "Check"
Canada: "Colour" / United States: "Color"
Canada: "Centre" / United States: "Center"
Canada: "Realise" / United States: "Realize"
Canada: "Behaviour" / United States: "Behavior"
Canada: "Analyse" / United States: "Analyze"

  • online account information including financial institution, account number, and routing number
  • Online Center email information
  • Online Payee List
  • online payment information
  • online transactions stored in the compare to register window
  • paycheck setup information
  • Portfolio Watch List information
  • Retirement Planner information
  • savings goal amounts and due dates
  • Reminders information
  • historical security price information. (You can recover up to five years of historical prices).
  • Tax Planner information
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