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Using tabs

The Home tab and the other tabbed centers (examples: Bills, Spending) summarize your Quicken data in easy-to-read chunks. Snapshots provide information in the form of tables, charts, and graphs and are grouped on pages within each center—the number of pages displayed depends on the center and also on the version of Quicken you purchased.

Only the Home tab can be customized as to which snapshots are shown and in what order, but you can set options for individual snapshots on other centers. These options determine which accounts the snapshot will include, the time frame, the amount of detail, and so on. If you don't have the data required for a specific snapshot to be created, a blank snapshot is shown, along with a prompt telling you how to make the snapshot appear normally. Quicken also lets you know when data shown in investing snapshots may be based on incomplete information.

Canadian software note

In Quicken's Canadian version, we use the Canadian spelling "centre."

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