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Security Detail View

If you need information about editing, hiding, or removing a security, see How do I manage securities?

To access the Security Details View, right-click on a security in your portfolio and select Security View or hover over the security and select Security Detail View.

About the Security Detail View

The Security Detail View allows you to get further information about a security.

The screen displays the following:

Transaction History

Transactions you have involving this security.  Transaction history is only available for securities that you own (as opposed to securities on your Watch list).

Security Chart

The chart below displays the Price History or Market Value for the security, but only if you own the security (as opposed to securities on your Watch list). Use Expand Chart to see the full-sized chart. You can also adjust the time span for the report. 

My Holdings 

Information about the shares you hold in this security: Shares Held, Market Value, Cost Basis, Gain, % Gain, Avg. Cost Per Share.

Security Details

You can view the Name, Symbol, Type, and Category of the security. To customize these details select the Edit button. The Edit Security Details screen will appear. 


If price quotes are available for the security, they will be listed here.


There are two settings that can make changes to the way your chart appears.

  • Split Adjust Changes shares and stock price based on splits.
  • Show Activity adds arrows to the display to show transactions. Green arrows indicate purchases and blue arrows indicate sales.

The visibility of data in the Price and Amount fields within the Security Detail view depends on the investment account tracking method selected. To see information in these fields, the account must be set to "Complete - Positions and Transactions. If set to Simple - Positions Only, these fields will appear blank. Note that for some investment accounts, only Simple Investing is available.

Edit Security Details

When editing a security, you may not see all the fields listed below (this depends on the type of security you're editing).

Ticker Symbol and Lookup

Enter a ticker symbol if you plan to update your portfolio prices online or import price data from an ASCII file.

Click Lookup if you would like Quicken to find the symbol for you (requires Internet access). (Optional)


Enter the name of the security in the Name field.


Specify a type of investment vehicle for this security. Quicken's standard security types are Stock; Mutual Fund; US Savings Bond; Bond; Emp. Stock Opt.; ESPP; CD; Market Index; and Other.


In the Currency drop-down list, select a currency.

This option is only available when a security is unused. Once you have an existing security with shares added, you can only stay with the currency initially selected.

Asset class

In the Asset Class drop-down list, select an asset class. If this security contains a mixture of asset classes (as with a mutual fund), click the Mixture radio button, then specify the mixture in the Asset Class Mixture dialog. (Optional)

Click Download Asset Class Information to download the asset class of the security or fund (requires Internet access).

Tax Free

Click Tax Free if this is a tax-free security. (Some municipal bonds and other securities are tax-free. Consult your tax advisor.)

Use Average Cost

This option is available for mutual funds only. Select it if you want to use average cost to track the cost basis of the mutual fund.

Back Load

If this security is a mutual fund, check to see if it has a back load. If the answer is yes, enter the percentage on which the back load is based. This field is important if you want to accurately calculate capital gains. (Optional). A back load (also called a back-end load or a deferred sales charge) is a fee to sell shares in a mutual fund. The fee is usually a percentage of the total amount withdrawn and often decreases the longer a shareholder remains in a fund.

Bond Type, Maturity Date, Call Date

These fields only appear if you set up this security in Quicken as a bond. Edit as necessary.

Matched with Online Security

If Matched with Online Security is selected, you identified this security as being involved in a previous download of investment transactions. If you no longer want downloaded transactions having the same CUSIP number (A unique number assigned to each security by the Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures), ticker symbol, or name to affect this particular security (because you now want to do a short sale, exercise options, or some other action), clear Matched with Online Security.  

To reestablish the connection, download transactions involving the security and select to match it again.

Other info

  • Change or delete the estimated income for a security.
  • Edit contact information connected with this security (for example, your broker's name and phone number).
  • Add or change the security's associated investing goal.
  • Enter a security rating for this investment.
  • Add comments or additional information.

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