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Release R52.20 (Canada Versions, September 2023)

Before you install this update, we recommend you perform a One Step Update to ensure that your data is synced to the cloud. You should also make a backup of your data file.​
What's Improved

  • Added the capability to Export your investment portfolio data to Excel, as well as copy it to your clipboard for use in various other formats.
  • Support for displaying more than two decimal places has been added to Investing reports for the number of shares and quote values, allowing a choice between 2-8 decimals, with three as the default.
  • Quicken now supports importing investment transactions from Quicken Mac, enhancing cross-platform data handling.
  • Improved the Investment Partnership Summary Report by including a column for the Last Valuation Date with a clickable link for updating the value. Default column widths were also adjusted for this report.

What's Fixed

  • Some customer accounts did not display in the Add Account screen.
  • Sorting the banking/transactions report by Memo or Payee for a selection that includes both investment and non-investment accounts resulted in incorrect sorting.
  • One-time reminders were changed to yearly after performing a cloud sync.
  • When accepting transactions and editing the Memo/Category/Tag fields, the Memo field cleared upon clicking the accept or save button.
  • Unable to remove some closed accounts from sync.
  • The attachment icon was not displaying when an attachment was present.
  • Fixed an issue where attachments were not syncing correctly after subscription renewal, resulting in missing attachments in the web and mobile companions.
  • Unrealized gains were incorrectly reported in the Expense section of some reports.
  • Crashes and related issues.
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