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Release R4.6_R4.7 (US Versions, Dec 2017)

  • New: Ability to set budgets only for specific accounts.
  • New: A way to send your issues to Quicken with appropriate logs and screenshots.
  • Improved: Investment transaction entry. Security dropdown now allows you to search by name / symbol.
  • Improved: Bills view can now combine all reminder types in a single dashboard.
  • Improved: You can now link / unlink specific accounts from each online biller.
  • Improved: Some enhancements in invoice emails.
  • Fixed: A few crashes and UI issues.
  • Fixed: An issue where you wouldn't have been able to view Property & Debt tab in some cases for Home and business tier.
  • Fixed: An issue where menu bar was missing for few cases.
  • Fixed: An issue where outstanding invoices were not being displayed on 'Receive payment' screen.
  • Fixed: An issue where online biller was not linked to a reminder in some cases.
  • Fixed: An issue where income and transfer reminders were being shown for linking to a biller.
  • Fixed: An issue where 'Cancel' button behavior was not intuitive in OSU settings screen.
  • Fixed: An issue where incorrect transactions were displayed on transaction report.
  • Fixed: An issue where invoice with partial amount paid was using the total amount for the payment web link.
  • Fixed: An issue where loan reminder gets into a loop and adds duplicate reminders which results in a crash.
  • Fixed: An issue where accounts set up for mobile sync were not appearing in Pay Check set up wizard.
  • Fixed: An issue where Quicken window size and position was lost after taking a patch.
  • Fixed: An issue where drop down menu was getting collapsed when user hovers on a submenu.
  • Fixed: An issue where clicking on the menu was causing a click on the screen underneath.

Release 4.7

  • Fixed: An issue where setting the font for reports would have impacted reports printing.
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