In the right pane, select the settings you want to use.
When entering out-of-date transactions
Select this preference to be warned when you're about to record a transaction for a different year.
Before changing existing transactions
This preference helps you avoid inadvertently changing a transaction that you've already entered.
When entering uncategorized transactions
Select this preference to be warned when you're entering a transaction without selecting a category. This helps you remember to categorize all your transactions for more complete reports and graphs and budgets.
To run a reconcile report after reconcile
When this preference is turned on, Quicken prompts you to run a reconcile report upon completion of a successful account reconcile.
Warn if a check number is reused
Select this preference to be warned if you enter a check number that is already entered in the same account register.
When changing the account of an existing transaction
Select this preference to be warned if you change the account of a transaction in the All Transactions register.
To save a transaction after changing it
Select this preference to be warned if you change a transaction and then forget to save it.
ClickOKto save your changes.
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