Your experience matters to us. We've built a convenient Feedback feature into the Quicken interface so you can share your thoughts at any time, whether you've found something you like, spotted an area for improvement, or discovered an issue that needs fixing.
This guide will walk you through the steps to submit your feedback. Your voice can help shape the future of Quicken, so let's get started.
If you need help, contact Support!
Reporting a problem through the application is not the same as contacting support. There is no guarantee of a response through the feedback/report a problem feature. If you need help, contact support.
Select the feedback Icon. The Feedback icon is positioned in the Quicken title bar, adjacent to the Help icon. A dialog box titled Share Your Feedback with Quicken will appear on your screen. You can move this dialog box anywhere on the screen, but you'll need to either finish the feedback process or close the window to continue working in Quicken.
Choose a Feedback Category: The dialog box contains three feedback options: I like Something, Something can be improved, and Something is broken. As you hover over each option, a blue border will appear around the selection.
If you select I like something or Something can be improved, a text box will appear for you to give your feedback.
If you select Something is broken, the Report a problem to Quicken window will appear for you to describe the problem.
Enter Your Feedback/Problem. You can also select Back to return to the interface without submitting.
Reporting a Problem
If you report a problem, you will see several fields, including Select a Category, Subject, and Describe the issue. You'll also have the option to submit several standard files and attach additional files. Most are automatically selected, and none include your financial data.
You have the option of also submitting a Sanitized data file. This option is not automatically selected. A Sanitized data file is a copy of your financial data with all sensitive information removed or fictionalized. It allows the Quicken team to work on problems that may be related to the data you are using.
Submit Your Feedback:
If you've selected I like Something or Something can be improved, once you've written your feedback, select Submit.
If you've selected Something is broken, select Send to Quicken.
Remember, you can close the feedback dialog at any time by pressing 'Esc' on your keyboard or clicking the 'X' button on the dialog box.
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